Friday, June 19, 2009

15005 - Unable to bind to the underlying transport for

Today I’m trying to configure, SQL Server Reporting services 2008 in my system. Then I got the message like completed successfully in every step of SSRS Configuration process.

But if I try to access my Report server http://localhost:80/Reportserver and Reports Manager http://localhost:80/Reports, I got the same error, Page Not found, I reconfigured my SSRS 2008 many times thru SSRS configuration Tools, But no use.

Finally I checked my Event viewer, here I saw some error like,

Unable to bind to the underlying transport for The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine. The data field contains the error number.


I saw some article which says,

"SSRS 2008 is IIS-Free, Microsoft has severed the IIS dependency for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in the 2008 version, according to a couple sources"

My Default port number of My IIS Server is 80.

SSRS 2008 configuration is using 80 as a port number, So that both are conflicting.

Now I changed My IIS Server# to 81, and then I checked my report server. It works fine for me.

Even if you stop your IIS server also, it will works without changing port number. But if you want to use both, you must change.

Hope it helps you!


  1. lol, I just went through the same sequence, only eventually thinking to check the event viewer. Except... I found this post instead of said article. Thanks, you probably saved me some hair.

  2. It worked for me, tanks.
