Thursday, February 16, 2012

SSRS 2008 Command Line Utilities

Microsoft has provided following three utilities for managing the reporting server activities.
1.    RS.exe
2.    RSConfig.exe
3.    RSKeyMgmt.exe
These tools are more useful for configuring SSRS scale-out deployment, sharing encryption keys, managing SSRS objects like reports, data Source, etc.,

This utility helps to execute the VB.NET Scripts for automating the reports deployment. This tool support only when “Reporting services” not running in SharePoint Integrated Mode

Here are the parameters for RS.exe, which is used for deploying reports:

Input .rss file for execution
URL to SSRS virtual directory
Timeout in seconds; default is 60 seconds
Batch command execution
SOAP endpoint used; default is mgmt2005
Global Variable mapping
Trace log output goes to SSRS

Utility Location: <Drive:>\ Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Bin\rs.exe

RSConfig utility helps to modify/manage the connection information of report services database

Here are the parameters for RSConfig.exe. Note that you will need to use quotation marks if any of the parameters e.g. database name contain a space:

Remote server name; default is localhost
Instance name, if a named instance is used
Database server name
Database name
Authentication method; either Windows or SQL authentication
Trace log output goes to SSRS
Unattended report execution; also needs /u and /p

Utility Location: <Drive:>\ Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Bin\rsconfig.exe


This utility helps to manage the encryption key as well as it shares the encryption key to share with other Reporting services installation or instance.

Here are the parameters for RSKeyMgmt.exe:

Restored and overwritten
Deletes the key and encrypted data
Extract key for backup to a file
Filepath parameter for /a or /e parameter
Named instance
Trace log output goes to SSRS
Adds a remote SSRS instance to the local Report Server database. /m (report server) and /n (instance name) are used with this parameter; /i refers to the local named instance
Removes an SSRS instance from the scale-out deployment; use the GUID Installation ID to specify the instance
Account name of the remote SSRS instance (optional)
Password for the local admin of the remote SSRS instance (optional)
Remote server name for /j
Remote instance name for /j

Utility Location: <Drive:>\ Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Bin\rskeymgmt.exe

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